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Congress Passes H.R. 6, Advances Addiction Recovery Causes

Arizona's Top Addiction Rehab For Over 20 Years
man standing at podium giving speech looking at crowd

Passage of H.R. 6 Spells Change for Addiction Recovery Centers in America

According to recent statistics from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the number of opioid-related deaths in America continues to increase at breakneck speed, and opioid drugs claim approximately 115 American lives each day. Many constituents have put pressure on their Congressional representatives to respond to this epidemic, and it appears that the wheels of government, though slow-moving, are turning in favor of efforts to reduce the opioid-related death toll in the United States.

In November 6, 2018, midterm elections, Congress voted to pass H.R. 6, a piece of bipartisan legislation created in part to address the country’s growing opioid crisis. (H.R. 6 has also been referred to as the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (“SUPPORT”) for Patients and Communities Act.)

As they pertain to drug addiction and recovery from substance use disorders, a few changes will go into effect following the passage of H.R. 6:

  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be required by law to complete a demonstration project to provide a federal matching rate for Medicaid expenditures related to growth/expansion of addiction recovery and treatment services.
  • Given the additional Medicaid coverage, people seeking residential care for substance use disorders will have greater/more incentives to access this sort of care.
  • Physicians will have a greater incentive to use post-surgical injections as a pain reliever, rather than prescribing opioids.
  • Prescription drug plan sponsors under Medicare will have to establish drug management programs for beneficiaries who are at risk of addiction.
  • CMS will be required to provide access to medication-assisted care in opioid treatment programs that provide holistic service.

Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs in Prescott

At Decision Point, we are proud of the ways our nation’s leaders have voted in regards to the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act. At our Prescott drug addiction recovery center, we provide a number of essential services for people seeking to overcome addiction to dangerous drugs, such as opioids, fentanyl, and heroin.  If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction, we are prepared to provide the practical and relational support necessary to facilitate true healing and long-term sobriety.

Call (844) 292-5010 today to learn about our Prescott drug and alcohol rehabilitation services.