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WHO Announces World Mental Health Day is October 10th, 2018

Arizona's Top Addiction Rehab For Over 20 Years
World Mental Health Day

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 has been announced as World Mental Health Day by the World Health Organization (WHO). Mental health issues, diseases, and afflictions affect millions upon millions of people all around the globe, including approximately 20% of Americans. The added specific of the 2018 World Mental Health Day is mental illnesses in the young. An estimated 50% of all mental illnesses begin before or around the age of 14, so it is highly important to let young people know there is hope and help.

Decision Point Center in Prescott is using World Mental Health Day as an opportunity to bring attention to substance use disorder. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), substance use disorder is characterized by mental illness spurring on or causing addiction to a substance. It has been recently seen as a more accurate diagnosis and description than simply calling such conditions as “substance abuse.”

Due to the relatively new diagnosis of substance use disorder, though, many people do not understand it in any detail. Many people may even be diagnosable as living with this mental health condition but not even know it. Our goal at Decision Point Center is allowing more and more people to get control of their substance use disorders by first comprehending it in detail. After all, there can be no success without knowledge of the challenge ahead.

Once we have a better view of what is causing your substance use disorder, we can begin creating a personalized plan to address it. We use residential treatments and breakthrough programs that center on what is most important to you in your recovery. Together, we can stand up to substance use disorder, especially when backed by the continued knowledge and research from WHO.

To learn more about World Mental Health Day and the World Health Organization, you can click here to visit the official WHO website. If you want to see if our Prescott addiction treatment center can help you, please do not hesitate to call (844) 292-5010 or fill out an online contact form to begin.