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Binge Drinking: College Students and Early Alcoholism

Arizona's Top Addiction Rehab For Over 20 Years
college binge drinking

The Rocky Mountain Collegian Sheds Light on College Alcoholism

As noted in the recent article in The Collegian, according to the National Institute on Alcoholism & Alcohol Abuse, 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder. Despite the normalizing, and applauding, that college students exhibit for weekends spent binge drinking, forgetting the week’s worries, and losing sleep (among other things), these behaviors are early signs of a darker issue. Binge drinking (consuming large amounts of alcohol in short period of time) is not only putting students at risk for later adult-life alcoholism, but also for the negative effects that alcohol has on the body’s systems. Student drinkers my not be drinking to function daily but may instead be emotionally dependent on alcohol to “remedy” or offset the stress of school.

The team of Prescott alcohol rehabilitation specialists at Decision Point Center understand that not all college students are alcoholics, but we also know that a problem can develop unknowingly and get out of hand quickly. If you or someone you love is suffering from alcohol use disorder, contact our team. It is never too early to get the help that can save a life.

Binge Drinking & Alcoholism

The lines between alcohol use disorder and “normal” college behavior are blurry, and students may be walking along these lines precariously, tipping towards a problem. The more normalized the behavior of drinking becomes, the harder it is to help those in need—as peers may not even realize they have a problem.

Binge drinking typically involves:

  • Having more than 4 drinks in 1 day
  • Forgetting events, conversations, or what happened while drinking
  • Not being able to stop once you start drinking
  • Blacking out
  • Vomiting or getting sick and possibly continuing to drink after
  • Emotionally dependent on drinking to “forget” the week
  • Alcohol poisoning or hospitalization from alcohol-related issues

Unfortunately, the factors in the above list could very well be describing alcoholism, not the popular college pastime that many students are involved in.

Seek Help Before It’s Too Late

If you are struggling to stop binge drinking, or someone you love is battling this problem, now is the time to act. The adverse effects of alcohol on the body far outweigh the stress relief that it is perceived to provide. Alcohol use disorder is a serious problem, one that deserves the attention our Prescott alcohol treatment center provides. We can help you find healthy ways to relieve stress. Don’t wait until binge drinking becomes daily drinking—let us help.

Request an appointment: (844) 292-5010.
