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Surviving the Holiday Season in Recovery

Arizona's Top Addiction Rehab For Over 20 Years
Young female sitting outside holding holiday lights

How to Stay Holly and Jolly

The holiday season is often a time full of cheer and celebrations. Many gather with friends, family, and loved ones to practice traditions and spend meaningful time together. These gatherings are often full of your favorite foods, delicious drinks, and lots of laughs. While this time of year is intended to be holly and jolly, it can also increase feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

Often, people experiencing intense negative emotions turn to substance use to cope with their feelings. However, there are healthier ways to stay holly and jolly this season.

Here are some tips to keep your holidays merry and bright:

Plan Ahead

Spending time planning which holiday gatherings you will attend in advance helps you navigate this season with more stability and predictability. If you know what to expect from each occasion, they will be less triggering. Recognize what your triggers are so you can be sure to make your plans accordingly.

Rehearse Responses

People will likely offer you an alcoholic beverage at a holiday party. Practice how to politely decline and say no so you are prepared when you attend the event. People may also ask why you aren’t having a drink. You are not required to respond, as your recovery is only your business; however, rehearse a response you feel comfortable giving others so this question doesn’t catch you off guard.

Practice Self-Care

Although the holidays can be a hectic time, be sure to schedule time to do things you love. Whether you enjoy reading, going for walks, or journaling, it is important to include those into your daily routine. One of the essential parts of practicing self-care is making sure your own needs are met.

Develop Healthy Habits

There is no better time to develop new habits to benefit your health and wellness. Trying new activities like yoga and exercise helps both your mind and body. Attempting to make a new healthy recipe can be a gateway to cooking and getting more comfortable in the kitchen. Eating nutrient-rich meals and regularly exercising are instrumental to feeling your best on your recovery journey.

Utilize Programs at Decision Point Center

Decision Point Center offers individualized inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services backed by evidence-based techniques and therapies to give individuals the tools they need. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, our team of compassionate experts is here for you. Contact us online or call us at (844) 292-5010 to start your recovery journey today.